KVM Extension and Matrix System for US Government Test Lab
Client: United States Government and Government Prime Contractor
Location: Somewhere outside of Washington, DC
Project: KVM Extension and Matrix Switching for test facility computer lab
Solutions Utilized: Adder’s Adderlink Infinity system and Mega Media Factory worfklow consultation
The client requested the Mega Media Factory team to create a redundant and extremely reliable, easy to use and expandable KVM solution for their computer simulation lab. The problem as presented was the need for any computer workstation to be able to see and control any computer in the lab. Specifially, they wanted to be able to show any computer on their large custom workstation desk, enabling faster, simplified and repeatable workflows. The ability to matrix switch and multicast up to 50 signals was important, all will allowing user lockouts, permissions and preset operations. Ease of installation was a top requirement, since downtime in the lab was not an option.
The solution utilized KVM extension and Matrix from Adder. The Adderlink Infinity offered up to 1920 x 1200, single and dual head setups along with fully redundant Adderlink Infinity Mangers and redundant power solutions allowed us to meet each requirement. Paired with a stack of HP Aruba 6300m switches, the solution would support up to 192 total endpoints and up to 50 cross-switch signals. The solution consisted of 2 redundant AIM’s and licensing, XXX of transmitters (single and dual head) and XXX receivers (single and dual head). Each transmitter and receiver was connected to the switch an fully controlled by the AIM’s. This solution allowed for a TAA compliant, safe, reliable, customizable and easy to use solution. Mega Media Factory workflow specialist analyzed every possibility, specified the transmitters, receivers and switches. Before the hardware was shipped to the end user, each transmitter and receiver was clearly labeled, setup for use and fully tested for a simple drop-in deployment.

The client was beyond satisfied with the project and outcome. This system has eliminated the need to run physical cabling for specific computer to workstation applications. This has drastically increased the usability of the lab, dramatically decreased required setup time and impressed their clients in order to quickly adapt to changing situations, all while performing at peak efficiency. With the availability of presets, simple and repeatable setups are easily programmed and recalled. Users can select and computer directly from their workstation or centralized control is easily performed with the managers. Accessories such as centralized power supplies along with custom rack mounts made installation simple and easy. Deployment time was drastically reduced since each endpoint was pre-programmed, labeled and tested. Deployment of the switches was rack and stack with all programming, configuration and testing being performed prior to shipment to the customer.